Reinbeck UMC Christmas
Eve 2015
It has
been calculated that the probability that you would exist as the unique
individual you are is something like 1 in 4 trillion. That is a 4 with 14
zeroes behind it.
person has done some calculations and estimates that the probability of your
ancestors meeting, and falling in love, and having children is, get this, 1 in
10 to the 2,685,000th power. That is 1 with 2,685,000 zeroes behind
person continued, picture 2,000,000 people playing a game of dice and each of
them gets to roll their 1 trillion sided die one time and only one time. They
all roll at the same time and they all roll exactly the same number. Could it
happen? Mathematically it could. Now I’m not a betting man, However, I am
pretty sure that you would have to be awfully bad at math to bet your life
savings on that happening.
the probability that both of these things would happen, the combination of relationships
and the genetics is pretty simple, but when I used an on line, statistical calculator
to perform that calculation the display read simply, “infinity.” The chances
are so small that mathematically speaking our existence is a virtual impossibility.
speaking we shouldn’t exist. In the grand scheme of things in a random universe,
our chances of existing are zero.
Christmas story that we celebrate tonight, is that the infinite, God of all
Gods, creator of the universe did something even more unlikely than that. Even
though we are zeroes, God loves us, and chose to become one of us. God chose to
become a zero, and even more, he chose to come as a completely helpless infant--
a baby “zero”-- in a nowhere corner of a smallish planet--- in an off-the-beaten-track
part of the universe. Right?
“While they were there, (in Bethlehem the
place Micah calls the least of the clans of Israel)… While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her
child. (She being Mary, a young, unknown, poor, unmarried girl) And she gave birth to her firstborn son
(one of us… a mathematical zero)… and
wrapped him (that mathematical nothing) in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, (an animal’s
food trough) because there was no
place for them in the inn. (because she was considered too unimportant
even among the other mathematical zeroes.)
Now that
may sound harsh, but that is the miracle of Christmas! Philippians tells the
Christmas story this way
Though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
as something to be exploited,
but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
did not regard equality with God
as something to be exploited,
but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death
and became obedient to the point of death
If that
is not a miracle, I don’t know what a miracle would be.
result is that we who were “nothings” are suddenly “somethings” because we are
loved by God; because Jesus Changes
who were formerly a mere statistical anomaly, have been given the gift of the
presence of God in our midst because we are loved by God; because Jesus Changes everything.
who were formerly trapped in our sin, are suddenly loved by God. And that makes
all the difference; because Jesus
Changes everything.
can ever be the same again. Nothing can ever go back to being the same; because Jesus Changes everything.
(Say it
with me “Because Jesus Changes
the heavens sing with choirs; “Because
Jesus Changes everything.”
the old evergreen glows with magic; “Because
Jesus Changes everything.”
the world glistens with tinsel and lights;
“Because Jesus Changes everything.”
cold hard, broken, dysfunctional, dead hearts start to beat; “Because Jesus Changes everything.”
we who are tragically sinful have hope; “Because
Jesus Changes everything.”
we who were restless and troubled can be filled with joy; “Because Jesus Changes everything.”
we who have become accustomed to fear and hate, can be filled with peace; “Because Jesus Changes everything.”
we who, if we are lucky, have only experienced a faint reflection of love in
our lives are awash with God’s love; “Because
Jesus Changes everything.”
You might
not feel like everything is changed, because like the wise men Jesus birth set
us on the journey of a lifetime.
journey that began 2000 years ago, but begins anew tonight, no matter
how many times we have set out on that journey before.
journey begins anew tonight because tonight we celebrate this miracle of miracles, Jesus
changes everything because
tonight like a new mother gently leaning over to kiss the forehead of her
newborn child, tonight heaven comes down and kisses the earth with a miracle.
comes down and kisses the earth with hope.
comes down and kisses the earth with joy.
comes down and kisses the earth with peace.
comes down and kisses the earth with love.
my prayer is that heaven will come down and kiss your heart, kiss your life
with the miracle of Christ at Christmas; (one last time together) Because Jesus changes everything.
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