Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Repeated post

Here is yesterday's post again there were many failures reported.  We'll try this again. 


sent from my s3
On Jan 22, 2013 7:12 AM, "terry plocher" <PASTORRUMC@reinbeck.net> wrote:
> There aren't very many words to describe what we have seen today. Some of the words that come to mind would be disturbing, Eye opening, gut wrenching,  and heartbreaking.
> We left the motel earlier than I care to think about right now,  had breakfast at a sushi bar,  ( Never thought I would say that!) and arrived in Haiti without incident.
> The airport deserves a whole blog to itself.   We had been warned about aggressive "skycap"  like helpers.  I was not prepared however for the persistence they showed.   I'm sure we looked like deer in the headlights to them.
> The following 4 hours was like Disney World. It was a combination between mister toads wild ride and the haunted mansion. The difference is,  for the people we saw, it is all too real,  and the ride never ends.
> Eball brought us the 80 miles safely,  but let's just say there are no traffic laws in Haiti except (in Eball's words)  "don't hit anything. "
> The sights... The sounds... The smells... Are unimaginable.  I have seen hundreds of pictures... Dozens of video clips,  even tried very hard to prepare myself for what I knew I would see.  Yet nothing even begins to prepare one for the dirt (actually garbage everywhere ) ,  the smells (of open sewers,  burning garbage, diesel exhaust and Oppressively compressed humanity ) , and the emotional upheaval of seeing this unimaginable reality  with ones own eyes.  It would be worth the trip if each of you, could experience even vicariously (through us) the harsh reality that is Hatian poverty.
> Let me try to help you understand by telling you about one woman I saw out of thousands. She was, I would guess 60, but I suspect this life ages one prematurely. She was in a pretty dress (no matter how little they have, Hatians put on their very best clothes to leave home)  with no shoes.  I don't know if she dropped it or found it,  but there was only one thing on her mind.  The 12-18 kernels of corn she was meticulously salvaging from the garbage strewn, makeshift sewer that passes for a gutter in Port au Prince. We never made eye contact,  because she was so focused on these few pieces of pure gold she was collecting.  I wonder if she ate all of them for supper or saved some for tomorrow's super,  or perhaps she shared them with her precious child or grand child. That Image is seared in to my heart.
> The Mimosa Motel is by many of your standards nothing  to brag about.  But these rooms feel like a mansion to me tonight,  and the authentic Haitian food a banquet because I know  what lies beyond that gate and armed guard.
> There is one other image, very different from the first that I want to share.  We visited the "Consolation House"  toward sunset tonight. Just as I will never forget t the things I saw earlier in the day,  I will also never forget the faces of those 35  beautiful young ladies between the ages of 3 and 13
> As they started with shyness and anxiety,  to sing first in creole and then in English "this is the day... This is the day... That the Lord has made... Let us rejoice and be glad in it." was it? I had to ask myself?  And then they sang. "we are glad to meet you Jimmy."  Followed by. "We are glad to meet you Kenny."  Followed by" we are glad to meet you Terry. "
> My heart melted and the rest is in the pictures!
> It sounds like I may have the opportunity to preach to them.  What could I possibly say that would be half as important to them as their message to me?
> It is time to retire. Today has been a long week!  I wonder what I will dream tonight? Will my subconscious be consumed with the images  of early in the day,  or the smiles of my new friends?
> We are all well and humbled.  Keep praying for us. 
> blessings,
> terry
> sent from my s3
> PS..  I have 150 better pics on my camera you can see when we get home. These come from when I remember to take with my phone.

sent from my s3

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