Saturday, October 29, 2011

Prayer: the heart of God, the heart of the church (last sermon in the series on prayer)

PRAYER: The Heart Of God, The Heart Of The Church 6/6
Rumc 10/30/11

Richard Foster Writes, “One day a friend of mine was walking through a shopping mall with his two-year-old son.  The child was in a particularly cantankerous mood, fussing and fuming.  The frustrated father tried everything to quiet his son, but nothing seemed to help.  The child simply would not obey.  Then, under some special inspiration, the father scooped up his son, and holding him close to his chest, began singing an impromptu love song.  None of the words rhymed.  He sang off key.  And yet, as best he could, this father began sharing his heart.  “I love you,” he sang. “I’m so glad you’re my boy.  You make me happy; I like the way you laugh.”  On they went from one store to the next.  Quietly the father continued singing off key and making up words that did not rhyme.  The child relaxed and became still, listening to this strange and wonderful song.  Finally, they finished shopping and went to the car.  As the father opened the door and prepared to buckle his son into the car seat, the child lifted his head and said, simply, – “Sing it to me again, daddy! Sing it to me again!” (Richard Foster)
That is the way prayer is.  In the midst our rebellion and disobedience; in the midst of our busyness and  blindness; in the middle of the biggest tantrum the world has ever seen God picks us up and sings us a love song… from God’s heart to ours.
Today is the last sermon in this series on prayer.  We have talked about prayer being part of our nature, prayer as relationship to God, the simplicity of prayer, and the power of prayer.  We have talked about and, hopefully, you have practiced some tried and true techniques to help you pray.  There are hundreds of things we haven’t covered but those will wait for another time.  Today we end this series with the conviction that PRAYER IS OUR HEART TOUCHING GOD’S HEART.

Prayer is our direct connection to the heart of God.  We talk about prayer as a discipline and it is.  But, it is so much more.  Prayer is more like being swept up in our loving father’s arms and hearing the sweet “I love you’s” whispered into our ear over and over.
For too long we have been running from God: hiding behind noise and hurry and crowds;  living a life of  climbing and pushing and shoving; living in a world of frustration and fear and intimidation. 
In prayer God welcomes us home: home to serenity and peace and joy, home to friendship and fellowship and openness, home to intimacy and acceptance and affirmation. 
·                     God invites us into the living room of His heart, where we can put on old slippers and share freely. 
·                     Where we can gather around the fireplace to warm our hearts frozen by the difficulties of this life and the cynicism of this age. 
·                     Where we can just BE in God’s presence and power. 
·                     Where we  can just SHARE all that is on our hearts. 
·                     Where we can GAIN STRENGTH for the day and food for the journey.
·                     Where we can LEARN AND GROW AND STRETCH AND ASK all the questions we want. 
Perhaps you have never prayed before except in anguish or terror.  It may be that the only time the divine name has been on your lips has been in angry expletives.  Never mind.  I am here to tell you that the Father’s heart is open wide – you are welcome to come in.
Perhaps you do not believe in prayer.  You may have tried to pray and were profoundly disappointed and disillusioned.  It does not matter.  The Father’s heart is open wide – you are welcome to come in.
Perhaps you are bruised and broken by the pressures of life.  Others have wronged you, and you feel scarred for life.  You have old, painful memories that have never been healed.  You avoid prayer because you feel too distant, too unworthy, too defiled.  Do not despair.  The Father’s heart is open wide – you are welcome to come in.
Perhaps you have prayed for many years, but the words have grown brittle and cold.  Little ever happens anymore.  God seems remote and inaccessible.  Listen to me.  The Father’s heart is open wide – you are welcome to come in.
Perhaps prayer is the delight of your life.  You have lived in the divine realm for a long time and can attest to its goodness.  But you long for more: more power, more love, more of God in your life.  Believe me.  The Father’s heart is open wide – you too are welcome to come higher up, and deeper in.(Richard Foster)

The other side of the equation is that as the body of Christ, here on earth, prayer is at the very heart of who we are.  We read the famous passage in  Matthew, “Where 2 or three are gathered. . .  (in what)… IN MY NAME, there I am in the midst of them. Where two or three, or 50 or 75 or 175 or 1.75 million are gathered in his name there is Jesus in the midst of us.  Jesus, the connection from the heart of the church to the heart of God. 
As the church of Jesus Christ, the body of Christ, the heart of our  body - our congregation- is prayer.
Prayer is the heart that keeps the blood of Christ flowing through our veins. The church that doesn’t have prayer at its heart, is cold.
The heart is the organ by which we measure life and death by its beating or lack thereof.  The church that doesn’t have prayer at its heart is dead.
The heart is customarily considered the home of all emotion including love.  The church that doesn’t have prayer at its heart can’t love.
The church in which prayer is not the most obvious and observable activity is not really a church.  It might be many things, but it is not part of the body of Christ.

·                     I am not talking about the obligatory, “God bless the potato salad” before a pot luck.  Although it is always good to give thanks. 
·                     I am not talking about all the prayers being said right now, “God let this be the conclusion of the sermon.” Although we are getting close
·                     I am not talking about the simplest of prayers “God bless mom and dad” although the habit developed by having regular prayer times is essential.
 No, I am talking about real honest to God, heart bearing, soul searching, spirit stretching connection through Jesus Christ to the very heart of God.
I am convinced that there is nothing--- nothing more important that we can do as God’s people in this place than to become a praying congregation.

Your final homework then, is pretty simple.
1.                  PRAY--Each and every one of us should be praying every single day.  Make prayer a lifestyle.  There are some of us who can check that off their list already and move on to number 2.   If we are to become a praying congregation, every single one of us needs to spend some time in prayer every day. 
2.                  PRAY MORE- If you are already praying every day, pray more.  I thought about saying 10%, 25%  I  couldn’t decide--- I think that is up to you.  But if you are praying every day for 5 minutes, try 6 or 7.  If you pray for a half hour, try 40 minutes.  If you pray once a day try twice.  I don’t care how much, just increase the time you spend in prayer.  The more time you spend with someone the better you know them.   God is no exception. And god wants more than anything to hear from you more and know you better.  
3.                  Finally PRAY  DEEPER.  I asked you to PRAY DAILY because in order to be a praying congregation we need to have a lifestyle of prayer.    I ask you to PRAY MORE, so that we grow closer to God.  It might be that when you pray more, you will naturally go deeper.  But when I say PRAY DEEPER I mean to let God in to the very deepest parts of your heart, and in turn seek to experience the deepest wonders of the divine heart. 
I know that I might be talking Greek to some of you. Let me help you. 
The Women’s Bible study, the Wednesday night Library Class  and Barb Wildman and I have spent 6 weeks working our way deeper into prayer.  We have been using the “WORKBOOOK OF LIVING PRAYER”  You can too. I have left some workbooks lying on the back table.  There is also a signup sheet if those books are gone, I will buy as many books as you will use.   You can use the book alone, you can use it with a friend or three.  So I call upon you to PRAY DAILY, PRAY MORE, and PRAY DEEPER.
In this way, I hope to lead us into being a more praying congregation… a people of God who live and breathe prayer… the body of Christ with prayer pumping through our veins.  Children of God held close in God’s arms listening to God’s love song.  And singing back “Sing it to me again, daddy! Sing it to me again!”
From God’s heart to ours. . .  From our heat to God’s.  PRAYER.


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