“The New Creation”
Elite Eight #1
Carroll first UMC 9-13-2020
(easter celebration)
I have been known over the years for
celebrating holidays at odd times. I’ll never forget the Christmas in July we
had in Muscatine. As I walked in the church, I heard one of our grumpier
remembers grunt “Humph, Christmas in July. What's next fireworks In December?”
I will admit I was sorely tempted. I wonder what she would think if she saw
Easter in September.
Happy Easter. It may seem strange, but not as
strange as other things in the last 8 months.
Everything has been turned
upside down just as much as it was from Palm Sunday too Good Friday.
The loss of businesses and
jobs has plunged us into a dark cave much like the newly hewn tomb in was Jesus
was laid.
Social distancing, fear of
one another AND the politicization of the pandemic has left us mistrusting and
confused like the disciples must have been in that locked room on Saturday
The list goes on:
Separating families even when
a loved one resides in a care center or are dying in the hospital
Derecho and hurricanes
including twin hurricanes
Record breaking wildfires
scorching the earth
Racial unrest and rioting.
Then add on top of that our
inability to have face to face worship in our sanctuary for 21 weeks starting
on Palm Sunday and this has seemed like a truly dark time in which our morale,
our mental health, and our relationships have been deeply, if not fatally,
The church suffered during
this time too. Next week would have been the first Sunday of Sunday School. He
can’t have UM kids. We have postponed funerals. Almost all pastoral visits are
by phone, text, or messenger now. Honestly, Covid has taken a tremendous toll
on the mental, relational, and spiritual health of churches… us included.
We have all adjusted. From
online Good Friday services, we had a trial by fire becoming an all-digital
church. (actually, it felt more like a trial by fire) We started online communion,
had two virtual vacation Bible schools, learned how to do even better online
services. We had the car-naval. We're still adjusting to using zoom. You all
saved the day when you picked up and made caring for one another a priority. I
was so proud of the way you took care of one another. Others stepped recording
music and scriptures, and Sherri became a video editing superhero. Like every
other organization including our schools, businesses, and government we have
experienced locked doors, masks, shields, testing, quarantine, and anxiety. We
are having Easter to remind us that when all this is said and done… God is the
God who brings life out of death.
How many times during the
last 7 months have we heard, “The world will never be the same?” I would be
very surprised if those same words were not on the disciple’s lips after Jesus
We are in desperate need of resurrection. We
need Easter; individually, in our congregation, and everywhere else. We need to
do over for 2020. We need a fresh start. Fortunately, God is the God of do
overs and fresh starts. God is the creator and re creator. God is both the
Alpha and the Omega. Alpha is the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet and God was
not only at creation but was the sole cause and source of all creation. Omega
is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and it is a promise that in the end
God's plan, purpose, and power will be victorious over all else.
God is the source and the
power behind the divine incarnation in Jesus Christ, ALPHA. And God’s all-time
best promise is that nothing can keep him away from us. Neither the Roman
government, unfair trials, hatred, fear, torture, death, or darkness will be
able to put out the light of Christ. Nothing: including coved 19, quarantines,
isolation, anxiety, locked churches, economic crisis, political crisis, natural
disasters like fires and derechos…can keep God from bringing us new life. We
need a resurrection… and we need it now.
Last spring you voted for
your eight favorite Bible stories. This is the first sermon in a series of
eight in which I will try to Help you see new things in your favorite stories.
Our first story is creation. We heard that story. Now I want us to look back
and see the how the gospel of John’s connects creation and Easter, which he understands
as the new creation of easter.
What was there before creation? Emptiness.
Genesis says, “the earth was Formless and void.” It had neither shape nor
substance. It was a vast emptiness.
Before Jesus there was
emptiness. The powerful emptiness of sin. God seemed far away and
unapproachable. Much like today, hypocrisy was rampant. There was even an
emptiness in religion; a lot of going through the motions.
In Genesis, besides nothingness there was only
In the gospel of John, we
read, “in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God.” The word of course is Jesus with God the creator. That’s all there is.
In Genesis God says, “Let there be light, and
there was!”
The first chapter of John
says, “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.”
The climax of the creation story is on day six
when God creates people, God looked at people and said, “It is good.”
“After questioning Jesus, Pilate brought Jesus
out for the crowd to see saying “Ecce Homo” look at the man- He is innocent.
“Look, It is good.”
In the creation story Adam and eve are placed
in a beautiful garden to be with God forever.
John says, “There was a
garden called gethsemane where he and his disciples prayed.”
Again, in the story of creation The Garden of
Eden is the cradle of all life. It is
were all life starts.
John writes, “Now there was a
garden in the place where he was crucified and, in the garden, there was a new
tomb in which no one had ever been laid.” The garden where new life starts.
Finally, Genesis tells us that God created the
world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Days 1-6 were creating days.
It is no accident that Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary go very early on “The first day of the week.” The
first day of the new creation.
In so many ways John is
trying to tell us that Jesus’ resurrection is the beginning of a new creation.
Easter was day one of the new creation. You know how they say, today is the
first day of the rest of your life. John says Easter is the first day of the
new creation.
Now I wish I could say the
pandemic is sealed in the tomb and we've all been raised to new life, new
normal, and a new way of being. I can’t say that, by a long shot. But I can say
that this day… EASTER is beginning to bloom…This is easter … this is the first
day of the new creation and new life for you. Starting right now we have a new
opportunity to begin to bloom for God and change the world with Jesus Christ.
There is a gift in all of
this. We don’t get many do-overs in life. Churches, including ours have been
doing the same thing for years, and doing it well. But maybe what we have been
doing is not quite what we want it to be… that’s OK. Easter gives us a do-over.
Maybe we have dreamed of a certain program but never taken be big step…Easter
gives us a new opportunity. Maybe we have been doing something with diminishing
returns, but we can’t figure out what else to do… That’s OK Easter brings us a
new creation and a new vision of who we are.
In Liturgics we say Every
Sunday is a little Easter, so every Sunday brings with it the opportunity to be
a new creation. We find ourselves again and again standing at the precipice of the
new creation promised from the beginning. A flower bud, just ready to burst
This worship service is part
of the new creation… This church is in the new creation. The next person you
invite to church, you can invite to our budding church in the new creation. The
next time we bless our community and neighbors, we will be doing that as a
budding church...in the new kingdom of the resurrection. (Now people will think
we are still the old first united Methodist church… but the way you treat them
will prove that we are new.) This week’s
Ad Council meeting will be the first meeting for pour budding church in the new
creation. And all the possibilities are open. You say, “we’ve never done it
that way before” and someone is likely to say “True, but we have never been
here before, everything is new.” Anything is possible for the new church in the
new creation.
But it starts with you.
The next breath you take,
will be as a new creation blooming in Christ Jesus. The next beat of your heart
will be a beating of your new hearts not made with stone but made with flesh by
the heart of God. The next step you take will be into as a new creation in
Jesus Christ. So, let’s join our hearts
as brothers and sisters of the new creation and take one giant step into the new
kingdom, the resurrection kingdom, the kingdom called “EASTER.”
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