“Boy, you’ll never win” That was Goliath’s boast. Boy, you are young, inexperienced, weak, and you’ll never beat me.”
We’ve heard that before haven’t we.
THEY say you’re too young to do that job.
THEY say you’re too fat or too scrawny, or too
tall or too short you’ll never be able to do it.
THEY say you’ve never been good at… fill in the
blank. You’ve never been good at math,
or reading, or managing money, cleaning house.
And you never will be.
The voices attack our self-esteem. THEY keep
pushing us down.
THEY say you are weak.
THEY say you NEED another drink, another pill,
another page of pornographic images.
THEY say you don’t deserve anything better than
The voices of addiction have a solid grip on
THEY say you’ll never get those credit cards
paid off.
THEY say you’re no good at your job and you
will be fired.
THEY say “you really couldn’t blame your spouse
if THEY walked out on you.”
The voices attack our security and hope for a
better tomorrow.
THEY say look out. Nothing is going to go
the car won’t start, THEY say you never do anything right.
you make a small mistake, THEY say you failed again.
voices peck away at us taking advantage of every little frustration.
say you ARE depression you’ll never be anything else.
THEY say you are bound to get Covid.
THEY say “The doctor wants more tests?” it must
The voices attack our health and wellbeing both
physical and mental.
THEY say don’t trust anyone,
THEY say, he hits you because you deserve it.
THEY say just hold that grudge, you are right,
and you don’t need them anyway,
The voices attack us in the relationships that
are closest to us.
Who are these “THEYS” that keep pushing us
down, keep holding us back, keep telling us, “you’ll never win?” Who do THEY think they are?
These are the giants in our lives. Some might be ten feet tall like Goliath.
Ohers might be 10 miles tall. And others might be 10 inches short, just enough
to make us fall flat on our face.
I Want to be clear that I am not talking about
voices one might hear if they are suffering from a mental illness. The voice I
am talking about is our interior voice. We all have a dark voice in our heart…
and we have to decide whether to listen or not.
In Chapter 17 of 1 Samuel, Israel is in a stand
off with their perennial enemy the Philistines. Among the Philistines were a
remnant of a people call the Anakin. They were said to be giants. Joshua 11
tells us “"There was none of the Anakin left in the land of the people of
Israel. Only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod did some remain" (Joshua
11:22).” Notice they were in Gath. Who else do we know who came from Gath? Goliath. It is quite possible that Goliath
was a descendent of the Anakin and inherited his massive size from that side of
the family.
Depending on who is measuring, (because a
cubit is the length of a forearm and that varies from person to person). Goliath was between 7 and 10 feet tall. 6
cubits and a Span. He was indeed a giant
compared to the average 5-foot-tall Israelite.
So, the Philistines are lined up on one ridge
with the Israelites on the other about 15 miles outside of Bethlehem. Twice a
day Goliath came out to yell his challenge across the valley. The offer for one man from each side to fight
in order to settle the dispute was a type of representative warfare practiced
by some cultures of the day, but somewhat unfamiliar to Israel.
For 40 days and 40 nights… the standoff
continued. Not one man from the army of Israel stepped forward. That didn’t seem likely to change. Then a red head little brother of some
soldiers shows up on the scene.
Why would he do it? David might have had
several reasons to take on Goliath. Everyone said he could not do it. That’s reason enough right? I’m like that.
Second, there was the reward including a cash
reward, and no taxes for life, and marrying the king’s daughter. But there was more. David took on Goliath
because Goliath had insulted God. By
mocking the Israelite army, he mocked God. And the punishment for blaspheme was
death. David says he has to do this because “this uncircumcised Philistine has
defied the armies of the living God.” This is a religious quest for David. He
is defending God ’s honor. Or carrying out the death sentence required in
David HAD to do this, but imagine the voices,
you’ll never win you are just a kid,
you’ll never win you’re just a shepherd.
You can’t do that no one from Jesse’s house has
ever done anything important.
You can’t do this; you can’t even carry the
weight of a man’s armor.
People like you can’t do anything.
Too scrawny, too weak, too much red hair… the
voices went on and on.
David’s only experience was killing lions and bear who tried to carry off the sheep. The standard tools of the shepherd would have been a staff and a sling. Not a slingshot, but a strip of leather or woven material with a pocket in the middle. Anything could be put in the pocket to be slung. I read a biomechanical research paper this week that said they were able to achieve speeds of 110 miles per hour right out of the sling. The damage that could be inflicted was determined by the weight of the projectile. According to the US Army’s lethality tables the sling could inflict enough injury for serious to fatal injury ranging from broken bones to penetrating the skin. It is not at all out of the realm of possibility that David’s sling could have killed Goliath.
The two
met, Goliath more self-assured than he should have been… and David swinging his
sling, Goliath just laughed waiting for the stone to bounce off his armor.
And there’s the pitch and the hit right in the
middle of the forehead. It punctured the
skin and must have crashed through the skull and sunk in. Homerun! And the
giant fell like a tree.
Silence must have broken out on both sides… silent
amazement which gave way to the Israelites giving chase to the Philistines, and
the Philistines running wee wee wee all the way home.
speech is the key to understanding.
said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin,
but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies
of Israel, whom you have defied…. All
those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord
saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our
So here we sit with these voices in our lives…
and what will we do.
First, we have to Recognize that we all have giants. You are not the only one suffering with depression. You are not the only one who has lost a job. You are not the only one facing cancer. And we all have something that is our giant. Which brings me to step 2.
you need to "Name the giant you are
facing". You can't fight what you can’t or won’t see. As you think about
this, dig a little deeper than usual. If
you live in constant fear of job loss. Maybe there is reason for that if the
company is struggling, or you are not doing a good job. But often behind
worries like that is fear that you are not good enough. Fear that you don’t
really deserve this good job and someone will find out who you really are. See what I mean… dig beyond the surface and
be really honest with yourself. Identify your Giants. It might be one of these 6 or something else
You must face your giants. That might seem
self-evident, but many times we don’t want to face our giants. We don’t want to
admit we are addicted or depressed, or afraid, or unforgiving. It is not attractive, but this is not a time
for vanity. It is also not a time to run in fear. Sometimes our biggest problem is not the
problem we face, but that we won’t face our problems.
Maybe you don’t want to think about your
problems because they are way too big and scarry and you think you can't solve
them. Actually, you are probably right.
You can’t beat the giant by yourself because… because it is by
definition giant. And we are not.
Where does our help come from, our help comes by the name of the Lord
who made heaven and earth, and even made you.
But when you recognize the giant, identify the
giant and face the giant you are well on your way to defeating the giant.
Well on the way, but not quite there. Don’t
reach down to put on your armor. Don’t reach for your sword and javelin. Don’t
strike off to slay your giants alone. You need your secret weapon, your sling
and stone so to speak… You Don’t have to face those giants alone you need to
trust the power of the almighty God with you.
And the giants will begin to fall.
So, take a step today.
Take a step closer and prove to yourself that
giants are real, and you have one.
Take another step to see and name the giant in
your life.
Take another step to look your giant in the eye
and tell them I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of
the armies of Israel.
Take one last step to rise above your fear and
reach out for the hand of the only Giant for whom you have room in your life…
The giant loving most powerful gracious God.
Let’s listen to the end of voice of truth.