Sunday, April 28, 2019

Building blocks of Christian family: Presence (Family Sabbath) First UMC Carroll 4/28/19

Building blocks of Christian family
Sabbath First UMC Carroll 4/28/19

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 Did you ever think about this? A God who never sleeps, who is all-powerful and ever-present, decides to take the day off and commanded his people to do the same. God rested!
How strange!  I mean what does God do on God’s off day? Bake cookies? Do a little gardening?   Play a round of Golf?
The word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew verb for STOP.   God knows that in this hamster wheel we call life we would never stop if it were possible. The truth is if we don’t stop we will be stopped by exhaustion, illness, or ultimately death. God knows that people need to take time to STOP.

 This series of sermons is called “Building blocks for Christian families.” Is there anyone here who was born without a family? Not likely. And even if your family is far away or you never knew them, you had a family and you have a family of some configuration today.  The principles I will be teaching over the next two months apply to all families, of all configurations, of all ages. Grandparents, we have a chance to do even better with your grandchildren than you did with your children.  Single folks still have all the dynamics of parental and sibling relationships. Knowing a lot of single parents, you have a very challenging family configuration.  Of course, there are families with 2 parents, or no children, or sandwich families caught between parents and kids and so many more.  And if you think that you don’t have any kind of family out there… you have us. The family of God. And many of the things I am talking about apply to the church family as well.  I will try to use all kinds of families in my illustrations, but if it doesn’t seem like I’m talking your family, please take out your google translator and translate my illustrations to fit your “family.”

 The message of Sabbath is that time is a gift from God. In the beginning, there was only eternity, which is unimaginable to us. Genesis 1:3 says, “God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.” Time was born. Six days later ‘God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.” To “hallow” something is to set it aside as special; to make it holy. God gave the gift of time and particularly the Sabbath as a holy gift to be used for our joy and God’s glory.
After freeing the people from slavery where they worked long hours 7 days a week, God reminded them, “Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy… the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it.”  Notice, this does not come from the 10 suggestions. This is a commandment. In other words, “STOP.”
One more biblical passage Exodus 34:21 is intriguing. The first part is familiar: “You shall work six days, but on the seventh day you shall rest.” However, we often overlook the second part: “Even during plowing time and harvest you shall rest.” In other words, no matter how busy we are or how long the “to do” list is, we need a regular break.
God takes Sabbath so seriously that Exodus 31:14 says “You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you; everyone who profanes it (OR DISRESPECTS IT) shall be put to death.”  While it is unlikely this happened often, Numbers chapter 15 tells of a man stoned to death for carrying sticks on the Sabbath.  Apparently, to God, Sabbath is serious business! Serious enough that God created a stop sign called the Sabbath.
The consequence of running God’s stop sign is high blood pressure, heart attacks, sleep deprivation, poor eating habits, and broken relationships.  Is that what you want to be for your family? Of course not. But I’ll confess that I have been there from time to time and maybe you have too.
Working 80 hours a week… been there done that. 7 days a week… been there done that.  Running from meeting to ball game to the grocery store… oops forgot to pick up the grandkids better go back. When you get home, you collapse and fall asleep or worse you take your exhaustion out on the family. Been there done that too. Wish I hadn’t because I want more for my family. I’m guessing that you want more for your family too.

So, what is the answer?  You know as well as I do, but we have to be told don’t we.
The first building block for Christian families is presence… just taking time to be present for one another. I’m calling that family Sabbath.
Our children and spouses need a lot of things, but time and presence are at the very top of the list.
Singles, your and siblings want you to be successful and happy, but more than anything they would love a gift of your time.
Instead of sticking a little money in the birthday card, what if you add a gift of time by taking your grandchild out to spend the money together? 
Let me tell you, the last thing I want to do is another “ought” our “should” to squeeze into your schedule. I don’t want family Sabbath to be just an item on your to-do list. But I do want to impress two things on you.
Time is a gift from God to be used wisely.
One of the greatest needs of families is the gift of time.

 So, how do we do it? That is simple. Commit to it, set a time, and do it faithfully regularly, ideally weekly. If you wait until you have time, you will not do it. If you wait until the kids are older you will never get these years back. If you wait until you are more stable in your job, you are losing precious years with your mom or Grandma and time is a cruel thing.  If you wait for your adult kids to have time, you may sit at home forever.  If you are separated from your family by miles, Skype, Facebook, or even a phone call might be the best you can do.  It is important to you and to them, set time and do it faithfully every week.  That is the only way family Sabbath will happen. 
Let me suggest three things.
 Make the time HOLY- if you are going to practice family Sabbath, find a way to make it HOLY.  I think regular worship attendance is essential for family health, but maybe you Sabbath time is Tuesday night, though.  You can find a way to make any time HOLY.
Share what you are thankful for
Share something about each person that you really like.
Spend some time (appropriate to the ages of your family) in silence just together. You might pray, you might have each person look into the eyes of every other person.
Maybe you could sing a favorite hymn together.
The family Sabbath sheet I provided has more ideas for you. Make it simple but let your Sabbath be a holy reminder that this time and these people are a gift from God and by having family Sabbath time, you are not wasting time, but actually making holy the time God has given us.
 Make it RESTFUL – second make it restful. This will mean something different for each family and maybe for each person. One thing we do is we don’t cook. Robyn sometimes makes something on Saturday. Sunday after church we picked up the picnic she prepared on Saturday and went to Swan Lake Park.  Many weeks we plan to eat out on Sunday noon. Sunday evening is every person for themselves; popcorn, cereal, a sandwich something easy.  As the summer gets going it might be cooking brats over the firepit or something.  Maybe you take a family nap. Maybe you read a book. Maybe you go for a slow walk with grandma. Last 4th of July we picked up Casey’s subs, took our chairs to a park and sat and read. Whatever it takes to provide some rest and rejuvenation to everyone. There are more ideas on the 40 ideas sheet I gave you.
 Finally, make it SPECIAL – Maybe you shut off the electronics and put the phones away and play an old-fashioned board game. Maybe you have grandma show you how she bakes those special cookies or grandpa show you how to catch the really big fish.  When our kids were small everyone, including the kids,  took turns deciding what to do on what we called “family night” you never knew what we would be doing, more than once Richie chose to play hungryh-hungry hippo… but everyone did what that person wanted. The possibilities are endless and again you will find more ideas on the family Sabbath sheet.
 Once again, I am not suggesting that you make your life harder or more complicated. I am suggesting that the family that doesn’t spend time together has very little reason to stay together.  They can become strangers that live in the same house.
And frankly you are all smart people and maybe you already do this. AJ Swoboda Suggests in Subversive Sabbath that we try renaming something we already do as Sabbath and see how that changes our attitude. Calling family time Sabbath reminds us why we do it and makes the whole thing holy.
Fundamentally Sabbath is Being truly present with each other. That is the first building block of a Christian family whether you are a single person and your family is your siblings and parents, or a single parent, or partnered, or couple with children or teens, or a family with grandkids who may live a far away, or a widow or widower with one sibling left, or maybe you consider the church your family. We need to make a habit of giving our families priority time in our week.  The first building block if family Sabbath, simply being present.
God bless your family in your Sabbath.


(Bulletin insert)

Attend church or stream it. (Even if your Sabbath is not Saturday or Sunday)
Connect with family: in face, facetime , a meal together
Invite someone who has been on a mission trip, been in the service, faced a difficult time, or is a respected elder to share stories.
Sponsor a child and use Sabbath to connect with a sponsored child.
Pray together.
Use meal times to really talk. Maybe have some intentional questions like what was the most significant part of your week? What are you most looking forward to in the week ahead? How is God growing in you right now?)
Do a “random act of kindness” together or help someone you know.
Read the story about Jesus washing feet and have a “foot washing ceremony.” Kids really enjoy this!
Have a special time of encouragement. Share why you are thankful for one another.
Play a Bible memory game.
Make a family story book. Everyone picks a memory, draws a picture and writes a short story.
Write a list of everyone’s fears and pray about them.

Have the kids make special placemats to be used ONLY use on Sabbath. Break out the good dishes.
Eat dessert first!
Spend time in nature or pick flowers to reflect on the beauty God created.
Go for a walk and pick up litter.
Write a thank you note to the mail carrier or garbage collector and leave it where they will find it.

Have a set apart time to have or even make a favorite snack even if it isn’t on mom’s diet.
Read aloud or listen to an audio book together.
Make a craft together or color adult coloring pages.
Have a special baking time! And enjoy the fruits of your labors with a neighbor.
Have a bonfire! Roast hot dogs, make s’mores, and talk around the fire.
Eat by candlelight! Talk about the Jesus being the light of the world!
Shut off the electronics and play a board game.
Make handmade personalized birthday cards.
Make a family mailbox to fill with sweet notes to each other.
Invite another family to come over for ice cream sundaes.
Write a group story. Everyone adds a sentence.

Put sweats or pjs at noon to remind you to relax. If you have small children, it is also one less step in the bedtime.
Take a nap together
Pre-prep your food!
Do a big clean sweep the night before so the house is neat and comfortable for the Sabbath.
No regular chores. Don’t even make your bed.
Decline outside activities and especially meetings. Really protect this time.
Either eliminate screens or use screen time in a special way like to watch a family movie.
Don’t watch the news.
 A special soak in the tub is a very restful activity – for kids or adults!
Paint your elderly mother’s fingernails if it is hard for her.
Pull out the photo albums and share wedding pictures, baby pictures, or vacation pictures.
Turn on REAL 102.1 to listen to music.

What does the root of the word Sabbath mean in Hebrew?

Where does Sabbath come from? (read Genesis 2:1-3)

Do we have to practice Sabbath? (Read Exodus 20:8-11)  
 Yes      No

Can we skip Sabbath if we are busy? (Read Exodus 34:21)
 Yes      No

What does your family want from you more than anything?


Why not call it family time? ___________________

Name one way you can make Family Sabbath HOLY

Name one way you can make Family Sabbath SPECIAL

Name one way you can make Family Sabbath RESTFUL

What is your plan for celebrating family Sabbath




What does Sabbath mean?

Who started Sabbath?

What does the word HOLY mean?

FSERTLU                       LHOY               LSECAIP

_____________     _____________    _____________
What would you like to do with your family?

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