(intro video)
Believe #21
RUMC Sept 10, 2017
Some have observed that after a person
has owned a dog for a while they begin to bear an uncannily resemblance to each
Others have observed that couples who are married for a long time being
to act a lot like their spouse.
Why is it that those of us who have
been hanging out with Jesus for a long time don’t look more like Jesus? We
should, you know.
We are coming to the last leg of the
BELIEVE series of readings, sermons and lessons.
We spent the first 10 weeks learning how to think like Jesus; talking about
basic Christian doctrines or beliefs.
• We
spent the second 10 weeks last spring seeing how what we believe should
directly influence the way we act. We talked about moving from belief to
spiritual practices that bring us closer to Christ. We talked about acting like
• Now
we are going to see that not only do our beliefs shape our actions, but in
addition, our beliefs and actions should change who we are on the inside.
That is after all that the gospel is
about. “The old has died and behold the new has come,” being “born again,”
“Have the same mind in you which was in Christ Jesus.” The heart of the gospel
is a call to be more and more like Jesus.
If all of that is a little hard to wrap your
head around, remember, THINKING like Jesus, leads to ACTING like Jesus, which
then helps us grow TO BEING like Jesus.
As we enter into these weeks, I want
you to know that this is a critical stage. Here is where the changes in our
thinking and acting begin to take root. This is where the faith of our heads
and the faith we have been practicing, begin to be the faith we live. Others
begin to notice the change in us. As they notice the difference Jesus makes in
our lives, we have the opportunity to influence them and through them, the
We are going to focus on 10 Christ-like
heart-qualities that we should be nurturing in our lives. You will find many of
these in Galatians 5 and recognize them as the Fruit of the Spirit.
What is the first word you think of
when I say Jesus, right off the top of your head. <<<>>> I
thought of love.
You know Jesus loves me. Jesus was the
most-loving person who ever lived. If we are going to be like Jesus, we have to
be filled with love.
We don’t want the kind of love the
culture knows. The message we are sent from birth is that love is conditional.
We can fulfill the condition in a
number of ways:
• People
love us when we perform well.
• People
love to be around someone with a nice personality
• People
love to see people with an attractive physical appearance.
Therefore, we work. We work long hours.
We work out. We work to find love. Why? Because we have been taught that love
has to be earned. Almost all human love—is conditional.
Guys, has your wife ever done this… you
try to do something nice and have a tender moment by randomly out of the blue
telling your wife that you love her? Then instead of reciprocating she asks,
“Why… why do you love me?” Why? I don’t know… I just do. Maybe, to be honest, I
love you a little less now that you have pushed me in a corner and asked why.
Suddenly that sweet moment has evaporated.
Now, I’m not criticizing Robyn or any
of you for occasionally doing that. They just want to know what we all want to
know: “Why am I worthy of being loved?” Perhaps, the underlying insecurity is,
“Tell me, so I can keep meeting your conditions. Then you will keep loving me.”
We ask because we are conditioned to
believe that love is conditional. That’s all we’ve ever known.
That is the world’s equation for love…
If we to do enough of what someone likes… and avoid the stuff they don’t like…
maybe we’ll deserve their love.
It overflows into pop theology…“If you
stop doing bad things, then God will love you.”
“If you do good things, then God will
love you.”
People spend our lives trying to EARN
love and completely miss this truth: TRUE LOVE IS GIVEN, NOT EARNED.
God has a different formula for love.
• When
John was looking for a short definition of God, he put it as clearly as
possible. Three words: God is love. Not just any kind of love. Agape love.
Unconditional. Unquenchable. Unrelenting. Never-ending love.
• When
Paul was trying to describe salvation, he said we are saved by God’s Grace.
Nothing we do but the free gift of grace in Jesus Christ.
So God’s formula is : “God’s loving
nature” + “God’s amazing Grace” = “Love”
Perhaps a mother’s love at its best is
the best human example of unconditional love.
It all starts 9 months before the
mother even meets the baby.
• At
first, the baby makes her sick.
• Later
he causes her to gain weight. The weight makes her waddle like a duck and live
in sweat pants.
• The
extra mouth to feed causes her to crave bizarre combinations of food: Pickles +
peanut butter; bananas + mayonnaise.
• This
baby is going to cause a lot of pain and exhaustion.
• She’s
going to cost a lot of time and money.
• He
needs to be fed.
• She
needs to be changed.
• He
• She
needs to be held.
The mother does all those things. She
spends her nights awake and her days wishing she were asleep.
• Does
the baby say “thank you?” NO.
• Did
the baby do anything to merit this love? NO,
• The
mother loves the child just because that’s what a mother is.
Like babies, we cannot do anything to
earn God’s love. Any more than that baby earned the mother’s love.
Nevertheless, God loves us … why? Because that’s what God is. God IS LOVE. God
cannot help himself… God just loves.
The truth is:
• You’ll
never be good enough. Neither will I.
• You’ll
never be smart enough. Neither will I.
• You’ll
never be pretty enough. Neither will I.
• You’ll
never be perfect. Neither will I.
• You
are flawed.
• You
will fall.
• You
will fail. So will I.
That’s the truth.
Do you know what… none of that matters.
None of it factors in to how much God loves you because of His amazing grace.
He knows the truth about you and chooses to cover it in His grace.
Grace that says:
• “You
may be weak, but I am strong.”
• “You
may fall down, but I will pick you up.”
• “You
will screw up, but I will be there to clean you up.”
• “You’re
not good enough, but I am.”
• “You
may think you’ve ruined your life, but I will make beauty from this mess.”
And that is all that matters.
The result of receiving such wonderful
grace is that we want to share it with others. Once we learn God’s new math, we
want to go teach it to others. As disciples of Jesus, we want to throw out of
old love calculator and open our arms up to love others in the same radical way
God loves us. We shouldn’t have to be told, but Jesus gives us the new
commandment. “Love one another, as I have loved you.”
want to mimic three qualities of God’s love when we love others.
Unconditional, Sacrificial, Forgiving… how are
you doing?
Lee and Breanna are giving us an
opportunity to LOVE LIKE JESUS. That’s what we promise to do as we baptize
Ellanor thismorning.
• Will
you love her unconditionally…Ellanor has done nothing to deserve your love.
Will you love her anyway?
• Will
you love her sacrificially…Someday Ellanor is going to need someone to love her
enough that they will get up off their pew and teach her about Jesus. She’ll
need someone to teach her the songs so she can sing Jesus loves me. She’ll need
someone to cheer for her at her pewee baseball game and someone to donate money
so she can go on a mission trip. Will you love Ellanor enough to sacrifice
something for her?
• Will
you love her enough to teach her about forgiveness…Someday Ellanor is going to
be watching you. Will she see you talking bad about certain people in
Gladbrook? Will she see you quit church because you don’t want to sit next to
so and so? Will she see you holding a grudge? What you do is what she will
learn. Will you love Ellanor enough to teach her about forgiveness?
That is where the rubber meets the
road. How we treat each other. If we can’t show unconditional, sacrificial,
forgiving love to a beautiful baby in our congregation, we have a long ways to
go to love like Jesus. We have a long ways to go to BE like Jesus.
A traveler fell into a deep pit and couldn’t get out. Several persons
came along and saw him struggling in the pit. Which one is most like you?
• The
sensitive person said, "I feel for you down there."
• The
reflective person said, "It figures that someone would fall into that
• The
judgmental person said, "Only bad people fall into pits."
• The
curious person said, "How in the world did you get down there?"
• The
perfectionist said, "Obviously you deserve to be in that pit."
• The
self-pitying person said, "That’s nothing - you should have seen my
• The
optimist said, "Cheer up! Things could be worse. The pit could be filled
with alligators."
• The
pessimist said, "Be prepared! Things will get worse. It’ll probably
Jesus, seeing the man,
• didn’t
care who he was,
• didn’t
care about his own safety near the edge of the pit, and
• didn’t
condemn the man for being stupid enough to fall in the pit.
• He
simply took him by the hand and lifted him out of the miserable pit.
Which one describes you…? I hope I
would be most like Jesus. And I hope you would too… because I might be the one
in the pit!
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