Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Week 5 Believe "I believe in the Bible" Rev. Robyn Plocher

One night the Green Bay Packers lost an away game they had been expected to

win. After the team took the long bus ride home, legendary coach Vince Lombardi

made the players put their sweaty uniforms back on and March out onto Lambeau

Field. The coach huddled them together and held up a pigskin, egg-shaped object

high in the air and said, “Gentlemen, THIS is a football!”

Coach Lombardi knew one of the fundamentals of winning a football game is

having a firm grasp of the basics. The same thing is true of the Christian life. So

in the spirit of that unforgettable night in bitterly cold Wisconsin (lift Bible high)

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a Bible!

KEY POINT I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God that guides my

beliefs and action.

Why is the Bible so foundational to the Christian life?

1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God

2. The Bible contains God’s truth and will for our lives

3. Thus, Christians need to know how to read and understand the Bible

These points are as basic to the Christian life as the football is to the game of


The Bible is the Inspired Word of God

In Paul’s second letter to Timothy he tells us that “All scripture is God-breathed

and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so

that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

The Greek word we interpret as “God-breathed” is the same word used in Genesis

2:7 where God BREATHED life into Adam.. The writer of Hebrews also confirms

the claim, saying, “The word of God is alive and active.” (Hebrews 4:12)

Many books are motivating and inspiring. Every bookstore has an “Inspiration”

section of books. These books move us. The encourage us to be better persons.

They cause us to reflect on our lives and our place in the world. The Bible is all

this and more. This is a book from God HIMSELF. What does that actually

mean? How did the Bible come to be?

Well, the Bible did NOT just fall out of the heavens bound in leather.

It came to us over a very long time and through the oversight of God in four


Phase 1: Revelation

Revelation means God chose to reveal himself to humanity, not just once, but over

and over again.

In Romans Paul tells us that God reveals himself to all people externally through

nature. This is called General Revelation. “Since the creation of the world God’s

invisible qualities –his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen,

being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Romans 1:20

God also reveals himself internally through our consciences. Our consiences bear

witness to what is right and wrong. I had one of THOSE days this week, when at

the end of the day al I could say to myself was, “Well, I think you screwed that

up.” How did I know that? Paul says our thoughts accuse us and at other times

they defend us. Whether we know THE LAW or not, there are some things that

just seem matters of common sense. You don’t drive your car into your neighbors

house and expect there won’t be consequences. As they say, ignorance of the law

is no excuse. Somethings we just know are wrong. That is internal revelation of

God through our God-given consciousness.

Finally God reveals himself through a specific person at a specific time with a

specific message to communicate. These are dreams and visits from angels, such

as Mary and Joseph experienced. It was through this special mode of revelation

–specific revelation - that God spoke to the authors who penned the books of the


Phase 2: Inspiration

God revealed, or breathed, his message into his chosen people to be written down.

In the OT –stories were first passed down by oral tradition, passed from generation

to generation at the dinner table or around the campfire. In time, God’s word,

especially as revealed to the prophets, was committed, primarily by the prophets of

the OT and later by the Apostles of the NT era. It took 40 authors over 1400 years

to write down the 66 books we call the Bible. After all, they didn’t have

computers and keyboards.

OT - They had papyrus, or animal hides or may have even written on clay with a

bronze or bone writing tool. rolled into scrolls and maybe feathers dipped in dye.

NT – Romans used thin sheets of wax on wooden tablets and a metal writing


Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the

Prophets own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the

human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried

along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20, 21

Phase 3: Transmission

The painstaking task by which individual books were copied down to the scale and

detail of classic works of art.

Care and scrutiny of the work was so intense that it often took several months to

copy one page.

When a page was completed, they would check for accuracy by identifying the

middle word on a page, checking the position of the copy against the original and

if it didn’t match up exactly the copy was burned and the work started all over


There are only 400 words in the NT that we are unsure of who originally wrote

them and none of those relate actual doctrine. That is a 99.9% accuracy rate.

Don’t let anyone tell you that the message of the Bible has been watered down by

years of copying. When we consider the care and precision with which the words

of scripture have been transmitted through the ages, the number of times

throughout history that nations have tried to suppress the word and destroy Bible, ,

it does seem that God Himself has had a hand in preserving His word for his


After an amazing amount of testing, time, energy and divine guidance, in AD 400,

370 years after Christ’s death, the 66 books of the Bible as we know them today

officially came together for the first time under one cover.

Phase 4: Translation

This is the process by with the Bible is translated from the original Hebrew and

Greek copies into other languages. One of the first translations was in Latin. We

know today there are a variety of translations and paraphrases of the Bible, with

more being worked on all the time. It is important to understand the difference

between a translation and a paraphrase. A translation always begins with one

language and ends in another – translating scripture from Greek to English. A

paraphrase begins and ends with the same language. For serious study of the

scripture a translation will be more appropriate. By the way, Eugene Peterson’s

Message is a Translation, not a paraphrase.

What I found most surprising as I prepared this message is the statistics about

Bible translations. I think most of us have an idea that in our modern world

everyone has heard something about the gospel. Here are some facts:

There are 180 million people in the world who do not have access to scripture in

their own language.

There are about 7,000 languages in the world. The Bible has been translated into

only 513 of those languages.

The Hmong people of Southeast Asia are among those who have only in recent

years been able to get Bibles printed in their language thanks to the efforts of

Voice of the Martyrs and Hmong Baptist Fellowship. The Hmong have been a

hunted ethnic group for centuries. Killed in great numbers by Chinese Emperors,

now Hmong Christians are restricted across Vietnam, Loas and China, forbidden to

have Christian literature in their own language.

In spite of these trials, the Hmong are one of the fastest growing groups of

Christians in the world with hundreds of thousands of believers.

In one Hmong village 20 people responded to the evangelist’s message and gave

their lives to Christ and were baptized. They began meeting in the home of one of

the believers to worship and were given Bible in their native language and a few


But the authorities were not pleased. Less than two months later police interrupted

Sunday service, confiscated all 16 Bibles and the few hymnals. Though they

promised to return the Bibles and hymnals after examining them, believers never

received them. Police also took cellphone to prevent them from calling for help

and to make them feel more isolated.

So this is all very interesting. But what difference does it make?

Does it matter to you that --

 The Bible is the inspired word of God conveyed to us in writing by

God’s chosen prophets and the Lord’s Apostles.

Does it make any difference to know how careful the transcibers of scripture were

to maintain the integrity and truth of God’s word – that

 The truth of God’s word and God’s will for our lives has been

meticulously preserved in the words of the Bible.

Do you read the Bible?

88% of Americans own a Bible.

More than ½ of Americans think the Bible has too little influence on a culture in

morale decline.

BUT only 1 in 5 Americans read the Bible on a regular basis and if they do read it,

the majority – 57% - say they read their Bible just 4 Xs per year or less.

I’m sorry to say, but with statistics like that, I know there people in this room who

rarely if ever read their Bibles. So I ask you bluntly,




VOM reports that 191,267 people have asked them for Bibles. The first thing

Christians living in restrictive nations ask for is prayer. The second is Bibles.

There are an average of 4 Bibles in every home in America, but in the majority of

homes the Bible is read only 4 times per year.

Ponder all this in your hearts as you watch the following video.

Let those who have ears hear.

by Rev. Robyn Plocher

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