Road trips. Like Randy Frazee,
we all have our memories of trips. My memories of childhood trips and my
children’s childhood trips is not that much different from Randy’s and that is
probably true for many of you.
Even though our
memories are similar, our roles were all different. My brother’s role was to do
something. Just a little something that at first didn’t bother me, and in truth
didn’t hurt anything at all, like scoot over just t little bit in the seat. My
job was to ignore it as long as I could
until whatever he was doing just drove me to explode for what I am sure seemed
to my parents like no reason at all.
My kids had different
roles too. Richie was pretty easy to travel with except for always being
hungry. Amber’s job was to complain and
blame Richie for everything. My job was the same as when I was a kid, put up
with it as long as I could before exploding in the classic “Do you want me to
turn this car around.” Robyn’s job was to keep me from turning the car around.
Was your family
something like that?
Family systems theory tells
us that each person has his or her own niche in the system that cannot be
filled by anyone else. That is our role. It also says that if we step out of
our role we change the balance of the whole system either for good or for bad.
But it is important to know that we can choose to play our role or step out of
our role in the system. It is important for us to know that we have the power
to perpetuate the system or change the system by our own individual choice.
(Slide 2) Let’s look at the Israelite’s journey through the
desert as a family road trip. Moses is
driving. Aaron and Miriam are in the front seat with him, and everyone else… Like
all 1-3 million of them were kids in the back seat picking at each other,
driving each other crazy, and complaining all the way. They complained about
the water. They complained that they didn’t have any food and then they
complained about the food they did have. They complained that they wanted a God
they could see. They complained about Moses. You name it and they complained
about it.
They complained all the
way from (Slide 3) Goshen to Sinai. Up to Hazeroth
and Kaedesh. They complained all the way around a 40 year circle. They
complained as they went around Moab, through the battles with the Amorites and
up to Mt Nebo.
Eventually by the grace
of God and the leadership of Moses, they arrived near their destination. The Promised Land was in sight. They
could almost taste the milk and honey.
You have to understand
that this was a whole different group from those who left Mt Sinai. Remember they were punished… you guessed it
for complaining. They complained at
Kaedesh, “Why bring us here to die by the sword in battle. You should have left us to die in Egypt.” God was just about to turn the car around and
destroy them, when Moses talked him out of it saying, “Lord, you don’t want the
Egyptians say. ‘Look the Lord took them into the desert to kill them.’?” So the
Lord relented and declared that not one of them would cross into the Promised
Land. That was the reason for the 40-year
detour, so they would all die of natural causes rather than cross into that
land flowing with milk and honey.
So this is a completely
new crew- the children of the complainers… but nothing has really changed. They were still complaining, they were still
running after other Gods, they were still the annoying children in the back
seat of God’s station wagon
So Moses sits them down
for a talk. This is Moses farewell speech and it is beautiful. I suggest you read it in its entirety in
Deuteronomy 29-30.
He starts out in chapter
29- (page 84 of the story) reminding them of all they have seen in Egypt and in
the desert, as they were lead to this place. There are several things here that
hearken back to earlier speeches. This reminds
us of a speech in chapter 4 where Moses asks, “Has anything so great as this
ever happened? “ Read along with me
Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has
anything like it ever been heard of? Has any other people heard the voice of
God speaking out of fire, as you have, and lived? Has any God ever tried to
take for himself one nation out of another nation, by testings, by signs and
wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, or by great and
awesome deeds, like all the things the LORD your God did for you in Egypt
before your very eyes? You were shown these things so that you might know that
the LORD is God; besides him there is no other.
It is as if Moses is
saying, “Look what God did, and look how you complained. Look what God did and
look how you disobeyed, Look what God did and look how you betrayed him. But it
is up to you how you respond to God.”
Moses points out all
that they have seen in contrast with their faithlessness in order to illustrate
that they have a choice of paths in life.
They can continue on the path they have followed so far, complaining,
disobeying, and betraying God. Or they
can choose a very different path.
The other path is
reflected in verse 15 of chapter 30 on page 85.
Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the LORD
is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other. Keep his
decrees and commands, which I am giving you today, so that it may go well with
you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the LORD
your God gives you for all time. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is
one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with
all your strength.
You recognize that end
of that passage from Jesus, but it is one he would have learned in Sabbath
school, because every Jewish boy did. It is called the Shema, “Love the lord
your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.”
Then he just lays it
out for them He says there are two paths.
The path you have been on complaining, disobeying, and betraying God;
and the right path. Take your pick.
The path of life, and
the path of death; take your pick
The path of blessing,
or the path of destruction.
The path of right, and
the path of wrong, take your pick.
The path of God, and
the path of wondering aimlessly; take your pick.
He says you decide
before you cross into the Promised Land.
Before I drive this car
one more mile, you have to decide if you are going to stop fighting and get
Before I drive this car
one more foot, you have to decide if you are going to stop complaining and be
Before I drive this car
one more inch, you have to decide if you are going to choose God, or choose
“This day I call the
heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life
and death, blessings and curses.” You
have to choose a path. Right here and
right now.
“This day I call the
heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you” a
You can be for God, or
you can be against him.
You can speak up for
what is good and right, or you can sit back and let evil take root.
You can share your
faith with a friend or a neighbor, or you can, by your silence, abandon them.
You can live a life of
service or you can be satisfied with living for yourself.
You can be the church,
or you can be a social club.
You can be the body of
Christ or you can simply be along for the ride picking at each other in the
back seat.
You can choose to claim
the ministry of this church, hold an office, come to the meetings, and take
responsibility, or you can abandon the ministry that could be here and let
nature take its course of decay and death.
It is up to you. I can’t be any clearer than that.
You have the same
choice before you that the Israelites had before them… that each of the
disciples had before them…that each of the saints had before them… that your
grandparents and parents and teachers and preachers have always had before them. You have that same choice today. And only you
can decide. God or self. Life or death.
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