After four weeks of studying this story, we finally come to
the part that most people call “the Christmas story.” They might say that everything before this
was setting the stage. In
musical terms, they might say that all that came before was prelude.
They may be right, because even as Mary and Joseph travel
this road from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the whole story of God’s acting for
humanity is laid out before us.

The Jezreel valley was the site of many battles fought as the
Israelites moved into the Promised Land.
The Bible tells us that this is the
site of the victory of Gideon,
against the Midianites,
the Amalekiltes,
and the Children of the East. Later it was the location at which the
Israelites, led by King Saul, were defeated by the Philistines. It
is the area that Jehu confrontation
with Jezebel which ended with Jezebel being thrown out the window and eaten by

Through this valley of wars, Mary bears the child that we will know as the prince of peace. As they journeyed through Jezreel, they
may have passed Megiddo, also called
Armageddon. Armageddon is the expected
location for the final battle at which this child, the prince of peace, will destroy the prince of darkness and establish
God’s rule forever.

Another night was probably near Sychar and the ancient city
of Shechem the location of Jacob’s well
where Jacob settled after making
up with his brother Esau. This is also the well where Jesus would
meet the Samaritan woman and offer her “living water.”

On the 9th or 10th day, they would have
crested a hill and seen Jerusalem laid out before them. This was the city of David,
and it was dominated by the temple the symbol of God’s very presence in Israel. Of
course, this would not be the last journey to Jerusalem. There would be others and
of course. There would be one very bad
one when Mary would come to stand at the foot of the cross, as the child she
carried on this journey, would hang as a grown man for the sins of the world.
From Jerusalem, it was only 6 miles, another hour and a half,
to Bethlehem. The last leg of the trip
went through the arid and rocky
hills of the Judean countryside. Until on the 10th day, they
arrived in Bethlehem.
For Mary and Joseph the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was a hardship and a nuisance. They were just enduring the hardship of
living in an occupied country, pushed around by the whims of by the Caesars and
the Governors. They could not see what was to come of it.
They couldn’t yet see the angel choir singing “Glory to God.”
They couldn’t imagine the shepherds rushing to the stable to
see the baby.
They did not know that the Magi were already beginning their
journey to pay homage to the little king.
They couldn’t imagine the crowds thronging around him, the
sick pressing him for healing, the crowds calling out, and “Jesus save us?“
If they had known of the journey Jesus would take on the other end of his life; the journey to Jerusalem and the journey to the cross, then the
journey of the first Christmas would have been too much to bear.
They certainly could not imagine that 2000 years later we would spend 5 weeks studying their story and seeking to make it our own
They couldn’t see any of that. Yet they made the journey. Step
by dusty step they faithfully made their way to Bethlehem. Why, because Caesar said
they had to? Maybe. But did you ever think that
maybe Caesar was part of a bigger plan too. Just like Abraham, and Moses, and Joshua
and David and Jeremiah and Elisha and Mary and Joseph and you and me.

The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the climax of the saga God’s
continuing efforts to be in relationship with people. Coming to be with us as a
baby is the absolute clearest way
God could say “I am with you” which is what God has been telling his people
through all of history. Abraham, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Isaac, “have faith, for I am
with you.” Jacob, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Moses, “have faith, for I am
with you.” Wonderers through the
wilderness, “have faith, for I am with
you.” Joshua and Samuel, “have faith, for I am with you.” Saul and David, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Haggai and Zechariah, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Mary and Joseph- even
though I am asking you to believe the almost impossible. Even though you will have
to sacrifice everything. Even though you can’t see how this is
going to end, “have faith, for I am with
Peter, Paul, and all the Christians through the ages, “have faith, for I am with you.”
People of Reinbeck, even when the world is filled with school
shootings, and suicide bombers, and lunatic dictators, even as we know
Christian brothers and sisters gather in Palestinian held Bethlehem under the
watchful eye of Arab guards with machine guns, the Christmas message is, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Even as Christians around the world are forbidden to worship
on Christmas Eve, Christians in Nigeria are killed, and the faithful in China
are imprisoned for their faith, the Christmas message is, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Even as the nation faces the so-called fiscal cliff, and our
trusted leaders demonstrate abject
selfishness and failure of vision and leadership, the Christmas message is, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Even as the doctors say “it is cancer,” or MS, macular
degeneration, or diabetes, or heart failure, or depression… the Christmas
message is, “have faith, for I am with
Even as your aging parents say hurtful things to you, your
spouse betrays you, your children's lives swirl around the proverbial drain,
the Christmas message is, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Even as your finances are a mess, your job is less secure,
and your future is far from certain, the Christmas message is, “have faith, for I am with you.”
Jesus did not come to this earth in a vacuum. He
came to an underage girl from a poor family, in an occupied corner of the
world, under the weight of brutal taxation in a stable among those who would
fear him and try to kill him. And in the midst of that, the Christmas
message was still, “have faith, for I am
with you.”
It is not a new message. It is not the kind of message that gets put up in lights or is tweeted and retweeted but is the most fundamental message of
God’s work in history. It is the most fundamental message of the
Christmas story. It is the most important message we could
hear and share this Christmas.
“Have faith, for God is with you.” Immanuel.
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