Saturday, July 30, 2011

Child of Blessing- Child of Promise

“Child of Blessing, Child of Promise”
July 31, 2011

How many of you have been to a family reunion this summer?  <<ß--à>>> Actually, my Mom’s side of the family has their reunion today.  Family reunions are one of those things that are often stranger than fiction. 
·        No one would find a character named “uncle frog” to be believable.  But I have one.
·        No one could script grandpa taking out the garbage after the reunion and losing his pants as he set the garbage can down on the curb.  But one of my aunts snapped a picture as proof.
·        No one could fabricate some of the tricks cousins play on one another or the silly arguments and competitions that are perpetuated from year to year.
·        And who could make up someone carrying a grudge because of the great potato salad debate.
Family reunions are wonderful and strange things.
As we gather in the park today it kind of feels like a family reunion.  And in a theological sense, every time we gather for worship we are having a family reunion.  We are the family of God.  Like any family, we have our oddballs.  We have our lovable characters.  We have our family stories and our family traditions.  One of our great traditions is this weekly family reunion that we call worship.
Today, as we gather for our reunion, we have a special guest.  This is Alex’s first family reunion, at least his first reunion with the family of God.  So I want to welcome him.

Welcome to the family reunion, Alex.  You don’t know most of these people, but over there is cousin <<ß--à>>>.  Here is Aunt <<ß--à>>>.  Grandma<<ß--à>>>.  Cousins <<ß--à>>>and <<ß--à>>>.  Here are brother <<ß--à>>> and Sister<<ß--à>>>.
One of the things you will see, ALEX, IS THAT we like music.  We sing a lot.  There is a song that is not all that familiar to us, when you can read you will find it at number 611 in our hymnal.  I thought I would share the words to that hymn and some thoughts about baptism today.

“Child of blessing, child of promise, baptized with the Spirit’s sign; with this water God has sealed you unto love and grace divine.
Back in May in the University Hospital, you were baptized with the spirit’s sign.  The water is the sign of the spirit.  You won’t remember that.  But those of us, who do, know that what happened that day changed your life forever.  That day you became part of this family; and no matter how hard you try, you can’t get away from that. 
You see our birth family and its DNA influence us more than we would think.  Just as you hair and eyes and skin and even your heart defects were determined by your DNA
In 1980, the Smithsonian magazine ran a story about the Jim Twins.
This pair of twins was separated at birth and raised by different families.  Strangely enough, they were both named Jim.  But that is only the beginning.  After meeting at the age of 39, they discovered that both had childhood dogs named Toy.  Both had been nail biters and fretful sleepers.  Both had migraines.  Both had married first wives names Linda, second wives named Betty.  They both named their first son James Allen.  For years, they both had taken vacations on the same Florida beach.  Without being aware of the other’s existence, both drank the same beer, smoked the same brand of cigarette, loved stock car racing, and disliked baseball.  They both left regular love notes to their wives, made doll furniture in their basements, and had added circular white benches around the trees in their backyards.  Their IQs, habits, facial expressions, brain waves, heartbeats, and handwriting were nearly identical.  The Jim twins lived apart but died on the same day, from the same illness.
How’s that for spooky?  The lesson is, our DNA has a tremendous influence on who we are.  Our spiritual DNA, being born part of God’s family makes us who we are.  It shapes who we are and influences who we will become.  The song says, “God has sealed you.”  Remember that.  God has sealed you- In Baptism God places his DNA inside of you; inside of each of us.  That DNA identifies us as children of God and joint heirs with Christ.  In a spiritual sense, we are each identical twins with Jesus.  Alex, your spiritual DNA has been set.  Your spiritual identity has been sealed.  God sealed you with the DNA of his son and our savior Jesus the Christ.  Now it is your families’ job- both you biological family and your church family. . .   It is your families’ job to help you grow up to live, and love, and look like Jesus.

The second verse of the song says “Fresh from God refresh our spirits, into joy and laughter lead.”  Let me tell you a secret, ALEX.  Your baptismal DNA is not sad and sober.  It is not serious and somber.  It is not dull.  This is a place - this family of God is a place to love and laugh; it is a place to experience joyfulness and happiness and peace.  Today, you have no worries (well, except your bottle and your diaper) but basically you have no worries.  I pray that you will stay that way. 
Frankly, there are a lot of Christians walking around looking like they are always wearing a messy diaper.  Some even smell like it.  Don’t let them fool you.  They are not like that, because they are Christian.
There are a lot of reasons people loose joy and laughter.  But God is not one of them.  God is the creator of Joy, the inventor of laughter.  God enjoys a good belly laugh.  Why else would he make blob-fish and hairless cats? 
Alex, the Bible says, “Rejoice in the lord Always, and again I say rejoice-“that is the way to live.  Whatever life may bring you.  God fills us with joy, may that joy come bubbling out of every poor and orifice in your body- today and always.
In the third verse, the song we sing, “Back to God we humbly give you, Live as one who bears Christ’s name.”  You already have three names- Alexander- Nicholas- and Mohlis.  Historically we call the first name, Alexander, your Christian name.  At one time people didn’t officially get their first name until they were baptized.  Alexander Nicholas is a fine name, but when I baptized you, I gave you a third name.  One that does not appear on your birth certificate.  One that won’t appear on your driver’s license.  However, it is important.
 The name I gave you is the name that is above all names.  When I baptized you, I baptized you in the name of . . .  everybody together <<ßfather son and Holy Spirit ->>>. 
That new name is one that you bear all your life.  Some people are named after parents, or grandparents, or uncles or respected friends.  When we are baptized, we are named after Christ.  You are named after Jesus Christ himself. 
Bishop Palmer used to say that his mother always had the same thing to say to him when he left the house.  Gregory, remember who you are.  She meant remember you are a Palmer and don’t embarrass the name.  Today I want to say Alex- in all you do remember who you are.  Wherever you go remember who you are- in every decision you make, in every word you say, every action you make or don’t make you are reflecting the one after which you were named. 
I frequently hear stories about people who are turned off Christianity because of the behavior of one or two people.  “If that is the way Christians behave I don’t want anything to do with them,” is the attitude.  Or maybe it is an excuse. 
But either way, it serves to remind us that someone is always watching, so live knowing that you have been named after Jesus the Christ and remember who you are.

Finally the song says,”Grow to laugh, and sing and worship, trust and love god more than all.”
You are just tiny now.  Look around at all the big people.  Look how much bigger my hand is than yours.  You will grow. 
I am interested when I have occasionally seen people hang tomato plants upside-down.  It amazes me that they grow, but what is really interesting is to see the stems twisting and turning up to face the sun.  That is the way they are made- whether they are right side up or upside down they seek to face the sun for maximum light.
That is the way you are made too.  Sometimes we get upside down in our lives.  Our thinking, our behavior, our decisions, our character, our values just get upside-down.  Always remember, you were not made for that.  None of us are.
They used to say, if people were meant to fly God would have given them wings.  Today I tell you- if you were meant to live without God, you would be all powerful and all knowing.  You are not.  You might think you are.  Sometimes we all make the mistake of thinking that we are God.  But I am not and neither are you.
You are made to stand on your feet with your hands and face raised up to the one who made you, the one who keeps you, and the one who will guide you forever.  “Trust and Love God more than all.”

Alexander Nicholas, you are a child of Blessing, you are a child of promise.  Your baptism means that you are a child of God, along with each and every baptized person here, in all places and in all times.  Bless you and thank you for blessing us with your presence today.

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