In this issue of the Treasury Notes, I will brieflydescribe the section that we call General ChurchApportionments. The amount owed comes to theIowa Annual Conference from the General (World)Church, and as a Conference we are required toinclude them in the Conference budget and pass thisamount on to the local congregations withoutreductions. The funds supported by this amount are:
The World Service Fund, as the name suggests, is the way congregations give their share andparticipate in God’s work around the world. This fundhas been described as the “heart of the Church’sministry together.” For the 2009-2012 quadrennium,the General Church program agencies havecollaborated in an effort to place an emphasis onareas of ministry for the church. They consist of thefollowing: (1) leadership development which helpsenable our clergy and laity to develop the skillsneeded for ministry in the 21st century; (2) churchgrowth which is extending the outreach of thechurch’s ministry by starting new congregations andhelping existing congregations develop ways forgrowth within their community; (3) ministry with thepoor by partnering with the poor to seek justice andaddress the causes of human suffering that resultfrom poverty; and (4) global health by helping bringhealth initiatives and health and wholeness through aconcerted effort to end preventable diseases.The 2010 total apportionment for this fund is$82,611,000 with Iowa’s share being $1,158,519.
The Ministerial Education Fund was established bythe l968 General Conference as a means of engagingthe total membership of the church in an effort to trainand recruit clergy. The fund provides support for thethirteen United Methodist seminaries within theUnited States, local pastors’ Course of Study, andcontinuing education of active clergy and initiatives ofthe General Board of Higher Education and Ministrythroughout the world. Twenty five percent of thisapportionment stays within the Iowa AnnualConference to provide support for ministerialeducation.The 2010 total apportionment for this fund is$28,280,000 with Iowa’s share being $396,593.
The Black College Fund was established by the1972 General Conference. The objective of the fundis to provide financial support for institutions of highereducation that have historically served theeducational needs of black students. Most of the 12colleges supported by this fund were founded afterthe Civil War. For many years, the Iowa Conferencehas kept a special relationship with one of thecolleges. Many individuals and local congregations inIowa besides supporting the Black College fund alsoprovides special gifts to Rust College which is locatedin Holly Springs, Mississippi.The 2010 total apportionment for this fund is$11,282,000 with Iowa’s share being $158,216.
The Africa University Fund was established by the1988 General Conference. This fund supports AfricaUniversity which opened in Zimbabwe on March 23,1993. The student body has now reached aneconomically sustainable enrollment level of around1,200 students. Capital improvements are now beingfunded by grants from governments, foundations,annual conferences and individuals. The apportionedfunds are used to support the operating budget.The 2010 total apportionment for this fund is$2,525,000 with Iowa’s share being $35,410.
The Episcopal Fund provides support for all activeand retired Bishops in all parts of the world. The fundpays the following items for each Bishop: salary,health and pension benefits, travel expense, movingcosts, a portion of the office expense, some officeequipment for the Bishop’s office, a grant to theAnnual Conference for a share of the Episcopalhousing fund, some support for renewal leave,continuing education, and a sabbatical leave. Thefund includes a provision for emergency evacuationexpenses and other expenses if the safety andwelfare of the Bishop and his or her family is at stake.The 2010 total apportionment for this fund is$21,210,000 with Iowa’s share being $318,662.
The General Administration Fund financesgeneral church activities that are specificallyadministrative in nature. The specific budget itemsinclude interpretation resources that are used by theUM Communications to promote these funds.Support for the General Church Treasurer andAdministration offices, which provides for legal needs,maintaining the UM trademark and propertyinsurance fund. The cost of holding the GeneralConference every four years is in this fund,maintaining the General Commission on Archivesand History, historic sites, heritage landmarks, andthe cost of the Judicial Council.The 2010 total apportionment for this fund is$8,951,000 with Iowa’s share being $125,527.
The Interdenominational Cooperation Fundprovides basic support for ecumenical agenciesthrough which the United Methodist Churchparticipates in God’s mission with other Christiancommunions. This fund supports the National Councilof Churches/Regional Ecumenical Organizations,World Councils of Churches/ InternationalEcumenical Organizations, Christian WorldCommunions/Methodist Unity, the World MethodistCouncil, Pan-Methodist Commissions including theCommission on Pan-Methodist Cooperation, andUnion and Churches Uniting in Christ.The 2010 total apportionment for this fund is$2,201,000 with Iowa’s share being $30,866.
The Iowa Annual Conference also includes the NorthCentral Jurisdictional Fund in this apportionmenttotal. The Jurisdictional fund primarily supports theJurisdictional Conference which meets every fouryears, and the committees that are needed toorganize and hold this event.Iowa’s share of this fund for each year ofthe quadrennium will be $25,036.
Iowa’s share of the 2010 apportionment for theGeneral Church is $2,248,829. In 2007, lay andclergy members of the Annual Conference voted topay the General Church apportionments at 100%even if all local congregations had not paid this fundat 100%. Therefore, a Contingency fund in theamount of $355,000 is included in this apportionmentto cover a shortfall in local church payments. Asmore and more local congregations reach the goal ofpaying this fund at 100%, the Contingency Fund canbe adjusted which helps all of us.
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