Sermon week 5
God guides our
(Slide #1)
after 420 years in Egypt they were free. Three months after the Passover and
after crossing the red sea, Moses and the crew come near Mount Sinai.
(Slide #2) Looking at our map, (Slide #3) we started this journey in Eden in the
East. They made a trek up to Haran, and down to Shechem. Joseph made the journey to Egypt as a slave,
and his father Israel and brothers followed. After they escaped slavery and
pharaoh’s army (Slide #4) they took kind of
circuitous route, but 90 days later ended up 400-600 miles from Goshen at foot
of Mount Sinai. (I can’t be more specific
than that because there are at least three possible sites for the mountain. See
the question marks? No one knows for sure, which one is correct.) The danger behind them, they settled in to life in
the desert and actually camped in this location for a year.
(Slide 5) But perhaps more important than a geographical
journey, is the upper story journey. From the beginning with Adam to starting
over with Cain, to starting over with Noah, to starting over with Abraham, to
starting over with Joseph, it has been a long journey already. It has been a
journey filled with twists and turns, but here at Sinai both the people and God
settle in to discover what life would be like after slavery. From both an upper
story and lower story perspective this is yet another chance to start over
again. What would this new relationship look like? How would God relate to his
people? And frankly, how many ways can the people find to disappoint God?
the upper story, up to this point, God has tried walking with Adam and Eve,
destroying everyone but Noah, making a nation out Abraham, and saving that
nation through Joseph. That hasn’t really worked. Over and over people rejected,
refused, and rebelled against God. Now, God would try a different approach. I
might describe it as a more parental approach.
Rather than a partner, a king, or a rescuer, God takes the lead more
like a parent, and makes a set of rules we call the Decalogue.(slide 6)
starting over again, God decides there are a couple of things the people need
to understand. First, God wanted them to
understand what it means to live with him as their God. Second, God wanted them
to understand what it meant to live in community with each other. In God’s
eyes, both are critical.(slide 7) I JOHN 4:20 says
it “if you can’t love your brother whom you can see, how can you love a God
whom you cannot see?” Both the horizontal brother to brother to sister
relationships, and the vertical child to God relationship must be healthily intact
in order for God’s upper story vision to be fulfilled.
is the goal. The question for today is, how to accomplish that. Given God’s vision, and the people’s
rebellion, what would you put on the tablets.
Would you have used the 10 suggestions. Would they be the 10
threats. I might use the 10 ultimatums. You
know “no idols, or else!” “No lying, or else!” That is from a lower story
however, I want to look through an upper story lens. I want to look at the Decalogue from God’s
perspective. God could have used
suggestions, or threats or even ultimatums, but I don’t think that is what God
had in mind. Today I want to look at the
Decalogue through the lens of blessing so please turn to page 61 of THE STORY or
chaper 20 of Exodus and follow along.
(slide 8)
first 4 items have to do with that vertical relationship. Our relationship with
I am the lord thy God,
make no idols,
don’t disrespect my name,
and give me one day out of 7.
How can these “don’ts”
be blessings you ask?
1. Let’s
start with number one. “I am the lord you God.” Not some foreign God, not some
abstract power I am YOUR God. I am the lord who has claimed you and saved you.
I am your God who loves you and gives you a love claim on me.
blessing is that God himself promises to be our God and our God alone. You
shall have no other God’s before me. You shall have no other God and I will
have no other people.
2. Number
two, “make no graven images.” In other words, make no idols. This makes sense
because God is beyond anything we can imagine or create. There is no animal, or
plant, or person who comes close to God; so it would be an insult to limit God
in that way. The Blessing is that we are in relationship to the incomparable
God who is more than anything we can imagine or fashion with our hands.
3. Number
three- You shall not misuse God’s name. The very fact that we have been given God’s
name is a blessing. It Means that we serve a personal God. We could be serving
a God who is so distant and so foreign to us that we don’t even know his name. But
we do have an intimate first name relationship with God.
There is also an explanation with this commandment.
“The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” Notice that
this is not a threat. A threat would have said something like “God will destroy
anyone who does this.” But no, it has this explanation of why we don’t misuse
God’s name, “because God will not hold you guiltless.”
It is the difference between saying “don’t
play in the street because I said so,” or “don’t play in the street because I
love you and don’t want you to be hit by a car.” Do you see the difference?
4. Number
four is Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. If you had spent your life as a
slave in Egypt, working under harsh taskmasters 7 days a week, 365 days a year,
what would the command to take a day off mean to you? It would be music to your
ears, wouldn’t it? You would be relieved, dancing a jig, wouldn’t you? We think
of the Sabbath as being some onerous burden imposed on the people, but that was
after the human interpretation of the Sabbath distorted it to beyond
recognition. Remember Jesus saying, “Man was not made for the Sabbath, but the
Sabbath for man?” It was not intended to be a trap for us, a cage into which we
had to climb one day out of each week. The Sabbath was intended to be a freedom
making command. It was intended to be a blessing.
our lower story we might see these 4 commandments as arbitrary rules, but I
think in the upper story they are really a blessing and a beautiful act of
love. It is the difference between the image of God as a cosmic policeman with
a quota of sinners to condemn and God as the loving parent who really and truly
does want more than anything to love and be loved by his people.
(slide 9)The last 6 commandments are no less a
blessing. They paint the picture of the upper story way God wants us to relate
to one another, we get an image of a paradise where everyone is honored,
respected, and loved don’t we?
5. Beginning
with our parents. (On page 62) Honor your father and mother so that you may
live long in the land. That one comes with its own blessing. I don’t need to
add anything to the blessing of family.
Numbers 6-9, no murder, no adultery, no stealing and no lying continue that
blessed picture. I can hardly imagine, this side of paradise, a world in which
all of these commandments are followed. Can you? Nevertheless, what a blessed
picture it paints. It would be a world
in which the blessing of life is
affirmed rather than death,
Love and relationships are put first rathe
then thrown away like so much garbage.
It would be a world where everyone
trusts God’s bounty to provide enough so there is no need to steal It would be
a world in which truth, integrity and Justice are
honored rather than mocked. What a wonderful world that would be.
10. Number 10 is do not covet. Can you even
imagine a world in which there is enough contentment that no one had to worry
about another person trying to get what they have, whether it is a spouse, a
car, or a job? It would be a world in which there is enough satisfaction with
what God has given us that no one would ever want or need more than God’s
continued blessing. A world in which we could trust God for enough of whatever
we need.
a wonderful world we would live in if everyone kept the 10 blessings. We don’t
live in that world… or do we? In as much as we are in this world, but not of
it. In as much as the church is intended to be a glimpse of the kingdom of God,
in as much as we already have the first fruits of the new creation we already
live in that world. Not this world here and now. But that world that exists in
the heart of God, and in our hearts when we are in God’s spirit and in God’s
is an Alabama Judge who at one time was hauling around a two and a half ton 10 commandments
monument with him to his public appearances. If you aren’t so fast with math
that 500 pounds per commandment. Even the 5 ton crane that lifts it off the
flatbed when he gets home, visibly sags under the weight of this stone.
people cannot name all ten, but they are persuaded that at the the 10
commandments are a huge 2 and a half ton stone tied around their neck. It is a two and a half ton club with which
they can beat anyone who disagrees with them. For them a two-and-a-half-ton rock sitting on
the bed of a truck is a perfect symbol.
are half right. That is what is has become for too many of us. "Here are
ten rules. Obey them!"
understood, however, they are a breathtaking announcement of freedom. We will
probably always refer to the decalogue as the "Ten Commandments,"
That is the lower story understanding, Let us, however think differently. Let we who are blessed by the glory of God’s
presence in our lives not carry the burden
of the commandments, but dance the
joy of the Decalogue. Let us think of them as the ten blessings.
Descriptions of the life that prevails in the zone of God’s liberation.
"Because the Lord is your God," the Decalogue affirms, "(slide 10)
you are free not to need any other gods.
free from the tyranny of lifeless idols;
You are free to rest on the seventh day;
free from murder, betrayal, stealing,
lying and covetousness as a way of life.”
and be not commanded , but go and be blessed 10 times over by God’s work in
your life.